
Factor Corp has three distinct cooperation models:

Design & Construction

Our company excels in the Design and Construction model, offering a seamless integration of innovative design and skilled construction services. We pride ourselves on delivering turnkey solutions that encapsulate our clients’ visions from the initial sketch to the final brick. Our in-house team of designers and construction professionals collaborate closely, ensuring that every project benefits from a unified approach that reduces risk, streamlines communication, and accelerates project timelines. With a proven track record of delivering aesthetically pleasing and functional structures, we stand as a beacon of excellence in design and construction.

Joint Ventures

In the realm of Joint Ventures, our construction company brings to the table a strategic alliance mindset that leverages shared expertise, risks, and rewards. We understand the power of partnership in tackling complex, large-scale projects and are committed to fostering collaborative relationships that align with our core values of integrity, quality, and sustainability. By combining our operational strengths with those of our partners, we create synergistic solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of all stakeholders involved, ensuring a legacy of success and innovation in the construction industry.


Our Development engagement model is built on a foundation of visionary planning and strategic execution. We are adept at identifying lucrative opportunities and transforming them into profitable real estate ventures. Our comprehensive development services encompass market analysis, feasibility studies, land acquisition, design, construction, and project marketing. By managing the entire development lifecycle, we ensure that every project is optimized for maximum value creation, sustainability, and community impact, solidifying our reputation as a forward-thinking leader in property development.

Our team boasts extensive expertise in project delivery across a spectrum of domains:

Residential And Office Towers

We excel in the construction of towers reaching heights of up to 10 storeys, seamlessly marrying aesthetics with functionality.

House and Townhouses

Collaborating with developers, we craft vibrant communities comprised of luxury houses and townhouses. Whether your vision entails townhouses or project homes, we are your dedicated partner.

Industrial Units

From compact storage facilities to expansive manufacturing complexes, our industrial constructions cater to the diverse needs of businesses, prioritizing both efficiency and safety.

Over 50’s Resorts

Acknowledging the distinct desires and aspirations of the over 50’s demographic, we craft resorts that harmoniously blend relaxation, recreation, and community engagement.

Land Subdivisions

Our seasoned team is well-versed in orchestrating large-scale land subdivisions across Australia.

Additionally, we undertake projects spanning a wide spectrum, encompassing offices, childcare centres, medical facilities, and much more.

  • Residential And Office Towers

    We excel in the construction of towers reaching heights of up to 10 storeys, seamlessly marrying aesthetics with functionality.

  • House and Townhouses

    Collaborating with developers, we craft vibrant communities comprised of luxury houses and townhouses. Whether your vision entails townhouses or project homes, we are your dedicated partner.

  • Industrial Units

    From compact storage facilities to expansive manufacturing complexes, our industrial constructions cater to the diverse needs of businesses, prioritizing both efficiency and safety.

  • Over 50’s Resorts

    Acknowledging the distinct desires and aspirations of the over 50’s demographic, we craft resorts that harmoniously blend relaxation, recreation, and community engagement.

  • Land Subdivisions

    Our seasoned team is well-versed in orchestrating large-scale land subdivisions across Australia.

Additionally, we undertake projects spanning a wide spectrum, encompassing offices, childcare centres, medical facilities, and much more.

Our Core Capabilities
  • Development


    We specialise in recognizing potential development opportunities by staying attuned to emerging market trends and demands.


    Our meticulous due diligence process ensures that we acquire prime real estate assets, minimising risks and maximising returns.


    We conduct comprehensive analyses of market dynamics, demographics, and prime locations to make informed decisions about project viability.


    We assess project feasibility while implementing robust risk mitigation strategies to navigate challenges and ensure project success.


    Leveraging our financial expertise, we secure optimal financing options and create structured plans to optimise investment returns.


    We provide ongoing asset management services to optimise property performance and long-term value for our clients.


    Our experienced team manages the entire development process, from planning and design to construction and delivery, ensuring efficiency and quality.

  • Construction


    At FACTOR, we ensure precise planning, coordination, and control throughout the project lifecycle. Our focus remains on achieving measurable outcomes in terms of time, cost, and quality, all while prioritising safety and adhering to established administration procedures. Regardless of size or complexity, we apply contemporary project management techniques and best practices, offering expertise in problem-solving, planning, and expedited project execution.


    We possess a deep practical and theoretical knowledge of critical path planning and programming techniques applicable to all our construction projects. These skills have been effectively utilised as a complete service for some projects and as integral components of others.


    With a wealth of experience in project management team establishment and management, we have honed financial analysis tools for feasibilities, estimating, and cost control. This expertise extends to familiarity with proprietary software packages. Whether estimating and controlling costs for our own projects or acting on behalf of clients, developers, contractors, or subcontractors, we tailor our management reporting to meet diverse needs.


    Our commitment to excellence extends to continuous staff training to ensure the latest skills and knowledge are always at hand.


    We are skilled at coordinating with various stakeholders, including clients, government bodies, and communities, fostering effective collaboration and communication.


    Identifying, assessing, and managing risks associated with large-scale construction projects is a core competency at FACTOR.


    Our in-house design team seamlessly transitions from conceptual sketches to intricate design documentation, reflecting FACTOR’s commitment to innovation and architectural brilliance. We also collaborate harmoniously with external architects.


    At the core of FACTOR lies a culture of collaboration and shared ambition. We leverage our diverse experiences and insights to craft groundbreaking strategies, staying at the forefront of industry evolution and consistently addressing its complex challenges.


    FACTOR’s expertise in critical path planning ensures projects stay on track, maintaining consistent progress and timely delivery without compromising quality.


    Balancing financial prudence with ambitious visions, FACTOR brings specialised financial tools to the table. Our deep understanding of the sector’s financial dynamics ensures the sustainability and success of each venture, safeguarding both investments and aspirations.

Our Approach

At Factor Construction, we’ve always believed that the key to reshaping the landscape of our world lies at the intersection of cutting-edge design and breakthrough technology. Nestled in the heart of South East Queensland, we’re not merely constructing buildings; we’re building the future.

Our team comprises a collective of out-of-the-box thinkers, bringing diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to every project. It’s not just about bricks, mortar, and steel beams; it’s about weaving creativity, foresight, and unparalleled expertise into every cornerstone. This uniqueness allows us to deliver value beyond mere construction, ensuring that every Factor project not only stands the test of time but also stands as a testament to imagination and innovation.

Design and Technology Led

The world of construction is evolving, and we’re at the forefront of this revolution. By intertwining avant-garde design principles with next-gen technological solutions, we’ve crafted a unique methodology that ensures precision, sustainability, and innovation at every step. Our state-of-the-art design tools allow us to transform client visions into blueprints of reality, making us the go-to choice for projects that require both creativity and technological finesse.

Commercial Construction and Developments

Commercial spaces are more than just brick and mortar; they’re the heartbeat of a community. At Factor Construction, we specialise in bringing ambitious commercial projects to life. From sprawling corporate campuses to modern retail hubs and integrated mixed-use developments, our portfolio is a testament to our commitment to excellence. We don’t just build; we shape environments that inspire growth, catalyse business opportunities, and foster community connections.

We drive positive change, with a prudent approach.

Driving Positive Change

In an industry often defined by its grandeur, we understand the importance of being grounded. Our ethos is simple: drive transformative change without ever compromising on safety, integrity, and community well-being. Every project we undertake is backed by meticulous planning, rigorous risk-assessment, and a pledge to uphold the highest standards of sustainable and ethical construction practices. We’re more than a construction company; we’re a beacon of positive change in the built environment.

  • Design and Technology Led

    The world of construction is evolving, and we’re at the forefront of this revolution. By intertwining avant-garde design principles with next-gen technological solutions, we’ve crafted a unique methodology that ensures precision, sustainability, and innovation at every step. Our state-of-the-art design tools allow us to transform client visions into blueprints of reality, making us the go-to choice for projects that require both creativity and technological finesse.

  • Commercial Construction and Developments

    The world of construction is evolving, and we’re at the forefront of this revolution. By intertwining avant-garde design principles with next-gen technological solutions, we’ve crafted a unique methodology that ensures precision, sustainability, and innovation at every step. Our state-of-the-art design tools allow us to transform client visions into blueprints of reality, making us the go-to choice for projects that require both creativity and technological finesse.

  • Driving Positive Change

    In an industry often defined by its grandeur, we understand the importance of being grounded. Our ethos is simple: drive transformative change without ever compromising on safety, integrity, and community well-being. Every project we undertake is backed by meticulous planning, rigorous risk-assessment, and a pledge to uphold the highest standards of sustainable and ethical construction practices. We’re more than a construction company; we’re a beacon of positive change in the built environment.

Our Difference

Local Knowledge

Factor Corp leverages its extensive local knowledge and deep familiarity with Queensland’s property, regulatory, and consulting landscape. With years of experience, our team excels in navigating the region’s unique characteristics, market trends, and regulatory intricacies. This expertise ensures that our projects align seamlessly with local regulations, environmental considerations, and community expectations. Our established relationships with local consultants and authorities further enhance our ability to deliver exceptional results, contributing to the sustainable growth and development of South East Queensland.


In an ever-evolving industry, our commitment to stability sets us apart. Our methodologies, honed over years of experience, ensure a consistent quality of work across all projects. By maintaining a steady course, even amidst challenges, we ensure our partners and clients have a rock-solid foundation to depend upon.


Our strength is a composite of our skilled workforce, advanced technology, and unwavering dedication. Every project, irrespective of its scale, benefits from our robust infrastructure and the collective expertise of our team. This intrinsic strength allows us to tackle even the most ambitious projects with confidence and precision.


Perhaps our most cherished principle, trust, is the bedrock of all our partnerships. Transparency, open communication, and a commitment to delivering on our promises are hallmarks of our approach. Over the years, we’ve fostered relationships rooted in mutual respect and trust, turning first-time clients into lifelong partners. At Factor Construction, our approach isn’t just about constructing spaces; it’s about constructing lasting relationships and legacies, backed by stability, strength, and trust.

  • Local Knowledge

    Factor Corp leverages its extensive local knowledge and deep familiarity with Queensland’s property, regulatory, and consulting landscape. With years of experience, our team excels in navigating the region’s unique characteristics, market trends, and regulatory intricacies. This expertise ensures that our projects align seamlessly with local regulations, environmental considerations, and community expectations. Our established relationships with local consultants and authorities further enhance our ability to deliver exceptional results, contributing to the sustainable growth and development of South East Queensland.

  • Stability

    In an ever-evolving industry, our commitment to stability sets us apart. Our methodologies, honed over years of experience, ensure a consistent quality of work across all projects. By maintaining a steady course, even amidst challenges, we ensure our partners and clients have a rock-solid foundation to depend upon.

  • Strength

    Our strength is a composite of our skilled workforce, advanced technology, and unwavering dedication. Every project, irrespective of its scale, benefits from our robust infrastructure and the collective expertise of our team. This intrinsic strength allows us to tackle even the most ambitious projects with confidence and precision.

  • Trust

    Perhaps our most cherished principle, trust, is the bedrock of all our partnerships. Transparency, open communication, and a commitment to delivering on our promises are hallmarks of our approach. Over the years, we’ve fostered relationships rooted in mutual respect and trust, turning first-time clients into lifelong partners. At Factor Construction, our approach isn’t just about constructing spaces; it’s about constructing lasting relationships and legacies, backed by stability, strength, and trust.


As we continue to carve a niche in the chronicles of construction history, we invite you to be a part of our story. Whether you’re a visionary client, a community member, or a potential collaborator, at Factor Construction, there’s always room for those who share our passion for building a better tomorrow.